Wedded Blitz

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Wedding Party Profiles 4: The Crimmins Girls

Can You Stand the Hotness? Mary, Mom, Megan, and Katie

Breaking up my pattern of pairing one bridesmaid and one groomsman for the entry, I thought I'd shine the blog spotlight on all three of my sisters - The Crimmins Girls. For all you casual guests out there who are coming to the reception, and maybe you don't know the family too well, this article will be a helpful and informative explanation of "Who's Who," amongst the XX chromosomers in La Casa de Crimmins.

Katie, A.K.A.: "Kah" or "Crims"

A Rare Photo of Katie During Her Decade-Long, "Blue Phase."

At 22, she's the eldest of my sisters - the first girl of the family. Over the years, we've shared and developed a special bond that only two passive-agressive siblings could establish in a boisterous household. To comprehend, while listening in on one of our conversations would be an exercise in complete futility, as our every exchange is adorned and peppered with so many inside-jokes, anecdotes, and made-up family slang. Many times, words aren't needed, (even made-up ones), as we've exchanged enough looks over the years to know pretty much what the other is thinking. And guests can take note - this will most likely explain why she and I will burst out laughing randomly during the wedding reception. Sibling telepathy. Long before the internet, cell-phones, or Nintendo, Katie and I have lived through, told, and re-told countless family stories, , and most likely embellishing them to the point that they no longer resemble the facts (but they're a whole lot more entertaining!)

And that's what my Katie is, an entertainer. A wit dryer than a martini, she'll gracefully punctuate one of her jokes with a theatrical raise of the eyebrows, or slide effortlessly into a spot-on impression - talking with her is never dull. And as Ally and I take this next, milestone step in our family, we are both so very grateful to have you part of our day.

Katie and Mary Joined Ally at Her Bachelorette Party in Long Beach.

Mary, A.K.A.: "Marez," or "Crimma"

Tom and Mary Channel Fred and Ginger on the Dance Floor

There's never a shortage of words to describe my sister, Mary. "Vivacious," "creative," and "fun-filled," come to mind. Mary and I share a lot more traits than either of us could recognize - we love organizing parties, we love using the computer, and neither of us is afraid to give it all we got when we're having fun with our friends. Reflecting on Mary as a child, what has always stood out about her is her endearing exuberance in all that she did. It wouldn't be uncommon for her and Katie to have a cartwheel contest at the neighborhood pizzeria after finishing their slices, put on a mini-dance recital in the living room, or share her Gold-and-Red cheer routine with every single visitor that came through the doors at La Casa de Crimmins. She was never afraid to express herself, and I think that's what I love most about Mary. Courageous freedom to be yourself - it's all too rare in this self-conscious world that we live in. So when you see that tall, blonde beauty dancing her heart out at the reception, and when you get to talk to that girl with constant laughter in her voice, you'll know who Mary is.

Katie, "G-Ma," Mary, and Ally Perfect the "Crimma Look" at the Jersey Shore

Megan, A.K.A.: "Kitty," or "Mega!"

"Megan, my Dear, Your Dancing is Divine!"

The waist-high gregarious hug-machine with the curly blonde hair known as Megan has been a familiar personality at La Casa de Crimmins these last thirteen years. My teenage baby sister has been charming friends and guests since she was old enough to walk. Never shy, it wouldn't be unusual for her to stroll over and sit on your lap. Aside from her disarming friendliness and affection, her honesty is what I love and respect so much about her. With that frank openness, exempt of any ulterior motivations, Megan will tell you exactly what's on her mind, or even write heartfelt notes for you to find. Added to her honest and caring nature, Megan is a hard-worker at school and a loyal companion to her friends. A champion speller, she spends many hours each day after school studying for her assignments. An avid animal lover, Megan is looking forward to taking care of little critters one day, and is secretly hoping the she could finally get that dog, now that I'm moving out... because as she's declared on many occasions, "Tom's allergic!" Whether my folks finally cave, or they just figure out another good excuse is still very much up in the air... but Meggie will get that puppy or kitten one day! And what a lucky pet it'll be to have such a loving and dedicated owner like my sister, Megan!

Katie, Megan, Mary, and Ally at the Neighborhood Carvel Back in 1999.

"You're My Sisters... I Love My Sisters..."

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Wedding Party Profiles 3: Andrea & Albert

The difficult job I've taken on with this Wedding Party Profile idea was attempting to adequately put into words how much each person that's standing up with us on August 5th really means to us. How do you properly put into sentences the love, the loyalty, and the immense connection we have to these special individuals? Fact is, you can't. Like I mentioned in the last entry, my paltry scribblings really don't do justice to how important each one of these people are in our hearts and minds. This is especially, and particularly hard in Andrea's case.

Believe me, it's hard enough to explain what a wonderful person I think Andrea is. So forget about me trying to convey what she means to Ally. These two girls have been the dearest of friends since they were in the playpen together. People are impressed when they hear that my buddies in the wedding party are all friends I've had since high school. Andrea and Ally have seen their deep and abiding friendship flourish over nearly three decades! How awesome is that?

When you have the pleasure of meeting Andrea, it's a bit hard to believe that such a sweet and gentle gal actually spends her days as an excellent, albeit tough-as-nails elementary school teacher. You'd never guess how someone so easy-going and laid-back could superbly handle a classroom full of fourth graders. But trust me, she does! Yet, despite her obvious intelligence and good sense, she still can always be counted upon to enthusiastically participate in whatever wacky idea or party Ally and I cook up.

And speaking of zany hijinx, when we held our first-ever Cinco de Mayo fiesta a couple of months ago, I found Andrea generously assisting Ally in the kitchen - cutting veggies, preparing food, even washing dishes. I was mortified that a guest was doing so much work. I practically needed a crowbar to pry her away from the sink. "Andrea! I won't have friends cleaning dishes!" I declared. To which she replied, "I'm not a friend, Tom. I'm family!" Hearing this, I responded, "Well, in that case, make sure to sweep up after you're done." And a smack in my face with the dish towel ended that particular family conversation.

But I'll be honest with you - Ally and I are blessed to have family like Andrea!

Where My Girls At?

Drinks in Hand? Check. Ties Around Head? Check. Let the Karaoke Begin!

And while we're on the subject of, "family," let me tell you about my honorary kid brother, Albert. He's certainly spent enough time sleeping under my parents' roof to qualify as a sibling. Like clockwork, every college holiday would involve Al coming by to visit La Casa de Crimmins. Next thing you know, it's two weeks later and he's still chillin' on the couch, sharing a conversation and a cup of tea with my Grandma.

How such a special friendship can begin with a chance meeting over origami folding at a nursing home in Queens is anyone's guess. Such a unique start is fitting for the two of us. Some of my most cherished memories with Al have involved long, bizarre conversations and an outrageous abuse of some random restaurant's free soda refill policy (I think we bankrupted Fuddruckers from all the Diet Coke we drank that one time...)

Whether we're comparing the merits of Ren and Stimpy to Animaniacs, or pondering the meaning of life, or brainstorming sketch ideas for that TV show we're gonna make (one day, Al! It's gonna happen!) any time with Al is always a great time. We were even together the time we met the legendary "Umberto!" His notoriety for wacky t-shirts and encyclopedic knowledge of the most esoteric font of information is only part of his undeniable charm. You're equally liable to find out the best way to prepare lasagna as you are to learn about Salvador Dali paintings after talking to Al for a few minutes. His timely and consistent assistance with the family computer over the years has elevated his stature in this household practically to sainthood (Al, I was wondering if you could come over...)

Ever patient, ever helpful, Al is a man I can always count on, no matter how wacky the adventure. Whether to lend a hand moving furniture, providing moral support as I start cleaning the house at 3AM the morning before a Christmas Party, or just to drop by to cheer me up over a couple of slices of "fresh Mozzarella," Al will always be there for me. Last year, Albert did me the honor of asking me to be one of his Best Men at his wedding, and so it now my honor to have him stand up with me this August at my own. His sweetheart of a wife, Michelle, has also grown to be one of Ally and my dearest friends. I have no doubt that Al and Michelle will be a special part of Ally and my life for many, many years to come. We love you guys!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Wedding Party Profiles 2: Christine & Jim

A Picture Tells a Thousand Words...
But Are You Sure You Want to Hear this Story?

Lifelong Friend, Loyal Confidant, Boston Red Sox Fan... well, two out of three ain't bad. But the world-travelling Christine Marchese has been one of Ally's dearest friends since they were debating who was hotter - Jordan Knight or Joey McIntyre. Every great relationship puts their own unique stamp on their friend, and this could not be truer in Christine's case. Not only did she grow up with Ally, maintaining their bond steadily from grade school, to high school at St. Mary's, and even into the college years, but she indirectly provided Ally with the inspiration that lead to she and I meeting in Ireland. If not for Christine, this wedding may have never taken place... or another lucky guy would be wearing the tuxedo on August 5th.

Christine's taste for travel flourished during her high school days, as she joined Ally and Jenna on exciting trips to Europe. During college, her wanderlust led her to a semester studying abroad. Returning to New York, she regaled Ally and her friends with tales of her thrilling experiences across the Atlantic. Well, after hearing what Christine got to do, Ally took a look at St. John's University in exotic Jamaica, Queens, and resolved, "If I do anything while I'm in college, I'm going to study abroad, too!"

And with that daring declaration, Ally set aside her fears and reservations of living thousands of miles from home and began the process to attend the National University of Ireland in Galway during the Spring Semester of 1999. Which just so happened to be when I was going to do the exact same thing! Destiny is an amazing force, and these series of coincidences and inspirations have only contributed to banish such doubts about its existence from my mind. So, Christine, I thank you with all my heart!

And certainly for that, I can forgive you for the Red Sox thing. I suppose.

After Baking Our Irish Skin All Day at Jim's Graduation,
This Was the Best Visual Comedy We Could Come Up With.

In a paltry little blurb it's pretty hard to sum up my friendship with Jim. Having put up with me for nearly twelve years, I can certainly say that the lad is resilient. Upon describing his character, I would inevitably focus on hyperbole, but that's just how big a person he looms in my eyes. A great man, a dear friend. I'm honored to have him stand by me on the day of the wedding. If Jim's reading this, "I'm sorry pal, but you're just going to have to cope with all this treacly sentiment (you won't admit it, but I know you love it!)... sadly you won't be at the rehearsal dinner so when can I embarrass you by wearing my heart on my sleeve, huh?"

To explain our bond would be similarly hard to quantify, but I'll try my best with this example: Over the course of a couple of cold beers, our four-hour conversation will typically span globo-politics, recitation of obscure movie quotes, Dennis Miller-esque observations of the world, in-depth discussion of heavy metal lyrics, and Greek Mythology. Is it any wonder why I love this guy so much?

Talk to Jim for five minutes and a couple of things will be readily apparent - the guy's not afraid to talk, and he's in the United States Navy. He's certainly not afraid to sprinkle some military jargon to spice up casual conversation. Ask him about it, and no doubt, he'll downplay what he does, but flying airplanes off aircraft carriers, spending months at sea, and serving our country are just a few of the things that make Jim the special person that he is.

Unfortunately, by virtue of his vocation, Jim doesn't get a lot of free time and is often required to spend his days in picturesque locales like Pensacola, Florida; Seattle, Washington; and Baghdad, Iraq. However, he was able to pull all sorts of strings, cords, and pulleys to finagle a brief cross-country trip for the wedding. A more loyal friend I could not ask for, and a more honorable man I do not know. And from what else I know, he plays a mean guitar, is an Eagle Scout, and enjoys long walks on the beach.

Fun Fact: Jim Gets Weirded Out by Roving Bands of Street Mimes